FAQs (Round 1)
Are the Registration dates and other deadlines final?
Yes. The dates indicated on the BritchamDR YMoCA are final. You are required to register for the competition and provide repertoire lists and copies of the music by the deadlines indicated. There will be no adjustments.
If I forget to provide one of the items required for registration (e.g. Identity Card, Passport details, etc,), will I be penalised?
Yes. If any document is missing, or your registration is submitted out of date, the application will not be considered to participate at BritchamDR YMoCA.
I am concerned that the quality of my audio & video recording (for Round #1) is not very good. Will I be penalised for this?
No. It is the standard of your performance and reproduction (not the professional quality of your video on YouTube) that the jury will take into account. However, it is important to consider the following recommendations:
- Home videos and non-professional recordings will be allowed.
- If it is recorded from a cell phone, you must disable notifications.
- The position of the camera must always cover the participant, instrument and companion (if applicable). In case it is accompanied, the sound of the participant's instrument must be appreciated.
- Video and audio should be recorded simultaneously without cuts. They cannot be edited or applied post-production techniques to them.
- The video must be recent, no more than 6 months after being recorded in relation to the registration deadline (November 30, 2021).
- It is recommended to check the quality of sound and lighting.
- Make sure that the "Public" or "Unlisted" option has been selected when uploading the video to YouTube.
I am only able to provide an audio recording of my Round #1 performance. Will that be acceptable?
No. Your performance video on YouTube must include audio (sound) and video. The video must be recent, no more than 6 months after being recorded in relation to the registration deadline (November 30, 2021).
When will I be told that I have reached Round #2 (Final) of the BritchamDR YMoCA competition?
You will be notified by email message on January 31st, 2022. Please ensure that your email address on the Registration Form is correct and that any changes/updates are forwarded to BritchamDR YMoCA Organizing Committee.
I am a national of a Caribbean continental country. May I register at the competition?
No. BirtchamDR YMoCA is a regional competition addressed to Caribbean islands young musicians. Only nationals of Caribbean islands, either living in the islands or abroad, and those with legal residence in the islands for over 5 years, may apply.
FAQs (Round 2)
I wish to play different pieces in Round #2 to those that I played in Round #1. May I do so?
Yes. If you play within the given time limits for Round #2 (Final) you may choose any Classical repertoire for the final competition.
How much rehearsal time will I be given with BritchamDR YMoCA accompanist?
You will be allocated a reasonable amount of time to rehearse before the Round #2 (Final) competition. Please see the BritchamDR YMoCA website for details.
I wish to use my own accompanist during Round #2 (Final) of the BritchamDR YMoCA competitions. Is this permitted?
Yes, you may employ your own accompanist for Round #2 (Final) of the BritchamDR YMoCA competition. BritchamDR YMoCA however will not be responsible for any costs (travel, accommodation, fees, etc.) incurred by you or your accompanist prior to, during or after the BritchamDR YMoCA competition.
Will BritchamDR YMoCA use a professional pianist to accompany me during the Round #2 (Final) competition?
Yes. BritchamDR YMoCA only hires experienced, professional accompanists for the Round #2 (Final) competition.
Will I be required to provide a list of works that I intend to play in the BritchamDR YMoCA Round #2 (Final) competition?
Yes. You will be required to provide a list of works as well as copies of the repertoire that you intend to perform.
If I do not provide copies of the repertoire that I have chosen to perform in Round #2 of the BritchamDR YMoCA competition within the designated timeframe, will I be disqualified?
Will I be permitted to change my repertoire for the Round #2 BritchamDR YMoCA competition at the last minute?
No. Accompanists will have been preparing the works and the programme for the event will have been printed. Changes in repertoire will not be permitted.